The Grant Programs continue to facilitate the advancement and growth of pickleball in our local communities. Additionally, the Grant Reimbursement Program allows communities and high schools to invest in the sport of pickleball. The grant reimbursement program allows communities and high schools to invest in the sport of pickleball. USA Pickleball members, through membership activities and events, pick up the cost of some of the new location's start-up equipment.
USA Pickleball has budgeted $40,000 again in 2023 to support the Community and Youth & Collegiate Grant Programs. We hope you take advantage of these programs by encouraging your members to apply for these start-up grants.
2023 Quarterly Report (January - September 2023)
The following report summarizes the 2023 USA Pickleball Grant Program to date (January 1 - September 30, 2023). The USA Pickleball Grants Committee hopes the information shared will help you understand how the USA Pickleball grant funds are being utilized across the country, and within each region.
Please be aware that the USA Pickleball Grant Program is being impacted in 2023 by the following:
- Increased engagement with local communities and organizations via the USA Pickleball Recreation Programs & Services staff
- Increased engagement and education of USA Pickleball Ambassadors via the USA Pickleball Recreational Programs & Services staff and Field Operations team
- Two full-time USA Pickleball staff members chair the USA Pickleball Grants Committee and are charged with making the Grants Program more efficient per the recommendations of the Committee
In 2023, USA Pickleball budgeted $40,000 for the USA Pickleball Grant Program. Please see below for a breakdown of the 2023 USA Pickleball Grant Program, as compared to the 2022 program:
2023 USA Pickleball Grant Program
- Grants Awarded: 110
- Total Awarded: $32,600
- Total Paid Out: $29,110.97
- Balance: $10,889.03
2022 USA Pickleball Grant Program (Q3)
- Grants Awarded: 90
- Total Awarded: $25,200
- Total Paid Out: $20,269.67
- Balance: $19,730.33
2023 Community Grants
- Grants Awarded: 59
- Awarded: $14,750
- Paid Out: $10,276.53
2022 Community Grants
- Grants Awarded: 63
- Awarded: $15,750
- Paid Out: $13,206.34
2023 Youth Grants
- Grants Awarded: 48
- Awarded: $16,800
- Paid Out: $15,971.18
2023 Collegiate Grant
- Grands Awarded: 3
- Awarded: $1,050
- Paid Out: $907.04
2022 YPP/Collegiate Grants
- Grants Awarded: 27
- Awarded: $9,450
- Paid Out: $7,063.33
2023 Paddle Program
- 912 paddles donated
- $1956.22 in shipping expenses
2022 Paddle Program
- No paddles donated until October 2022
- $0 in shipping expenses

USA Pickleball Grant Program Locations Map - 2023 Q3
This map displays locations that have been awarded grants in 2023. Please use the Pickleheads - Places to Play website to find more detailed information on playing locations, as some of the grants were awarded to schools or youth centers, and players are restricted to students and staff.

Paddle Program
The 2023 USA Pickleball Grant Paddle Program is made available by Selkirk and a variety of other paddle manufacturers who graciously donated paddles to USA Pickleball communities and schools across the country. To date, 912 paddles have been donated to pickleball communities in 2023.
Additional Information and Links
If you want to learn more about the USA Pickleball Grant Program, please visit the USA Pickleball Grant Program webpage. Below you will find some other useful links:
Report Links
The Annual Report summarizes the 2022 USA Pickleball Grant Program. The USA Pickleball Grants Committee hopes the information shared will help you understand how the USA Pickleball grant funds are being utilized across the country, and within each region.
(More detailed grant statistical information is available upon request.)
In 2022, USAP budgeted $40,000 for the USA Pickleball Grant Program. Please see below for a breakdown of the 2022 USA Pickleball Grant Program:
2022 USA Pickleball Grant Program
- Total Awarded: $41,100
- Total Paid Out: $30,745
- Balance: $4,255
Community Grants
- 72 grants
- Awarded: $ 18,000
- Paid Out: $17,399
Youth Program Provider/Collegiate Grants
- 66 grants
- Awarded: $23,100
- Paid Out: $13,346
2022 USA Pickleball Grant Program Locations Map
This map displays locations that were awarded grants in 2022. Please use the Pickleheads - Places to Play website to find more detailed information on playing locations, as some of the grants were awarded to schools or youth centers, and players are restricted to students and staff.

From 2010 to 2020, Pickle-Ball Inc. donated close to 6,000 paddles to USA Pickleball's Grant Programs. After reintroducing the paddle program in September 2022, Selkirk and a variety of other paddle manufacturers graciously donated over 400 paddles to USA Pickleball to give to communities and schools across the country.
Please contact the USA Pickleball Grant Committee at if you wish to become a USA Pickleball grant equipment sponsor.
The following are selective comments and pictures from members who were awarded a USA Pickleball grant.
"This project has 4 newly marked courts. We have introduced at least 50 people to this wonderful sport of pickleball, ages ranging from 10 to 68. Monday evenings are consistently filling all 4 courts with play with several people visiting and waiting for a new game to start. With our mentoring and establishing a welcoming culture it will continue to grow. Reports of play (when our team is not present) during other day/times at our model tells me we need to select another location to kick it off. Please look for my next grant request. Thank you!"
USA Pickleball Member Kurt Dudenhoeffer, Jefferson City, MO

"This is the FIRST pickleball presence in the city of Grand Terrace so it fills a gap in our pickleball presence. During our grand opening of these courts, the mayor Darcy McNaboe came out to check it out and enjoyed it! Our church wants to continue to grow the sport among the community of Grand Terrace and other surrounding communities, so we have big plans for the future of pickleball, thanks to this USA Pickleball grant! It's been great seed money to get us started! We used it to get more nets, and that's been huge. Also, it's been great to let our church know that we rec'd this, so that it showed the support from the USA Pickleball towards our fledgling group and thus, the church and pastors took this initiative more seriously. We're very thankful for this program and have recommended it to other non-profit organizations!"
USA Pickleball member: Ernie Medina, Grand Terrace, CA

“The USA Pickleball community grant made a huge difference in promoting pickleball in Brenham. We started out with 8 players (ages 50+) playing at our local high school tennis court. When tennis season rolled around we no longer had access to the outdoor courts and found an old elementary school gym that was not being utilized. The only problem was there were no nets. The grant helped us purchase a net to get started and as our group grew in numbers we were able to pitch in and purchase additional nets and balls. Our numbers have grown from the original 8 players to our current 38 players. The majority of those who have come out to our introduction to pickleball clinics have become members of our club and continue to bring new people. Everyone seems to enjoy the fun and fellowship as much as the exercise pickleball provides. We have become more like a family and have social gatherings in connection with our play times as well as outside of playtimes. Attached are some pictures of several free clinics we have offered as well as a round-robin tournament and a Christmas party. We have a once-a-month “Dink and Dogs” night where we play dink games and grill hotdogs. It is one of the member's favorite nights.”
USA Pickleball member: Vicki Bruce from Brenham, Texas

"Initially, the biggest problem was that no one had heard about Pickleball. The City Council did not know what it was and it was not included in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Our little group of 4 had to attend City Council meetings and Parks and Recreation Committee meetings to educate them. We even played a mini-game inside the Council Chambers during their regular Council meeting. Lots of phone calls and emails eventually garnered the opportunity to play at the Community Center. We couldn't have grown if we had been limited to the one net the city provided. Thanks to the grant, we were able to start to grow. I don't think we could have done anything differently. We experienced phenomenal growth for 1 year's time. We worked hard and I think we did it right! For us, the grant was a blessing. We needed more equipment and the city couldn't provide it because their budget had already been established and Pickleball wasn't in it. The initial group of 4 couldn't afford to purchase more equipment. Now that we've grown, several members have purchased nets for use at the outside courts. But, we needed help to get started. That help came in the form of the USA Pickleball grant and the rest is history!"
USA Pickleball member: Diane Smith, Yucaipa, CA

"The equipment is in full use. The portable nets are used quite often because the 2 courts are full. This grant gave us the opportunity to use the portable nets so we could have more people playing at one time. Having the extra equipment also gave individuals that had never played pickleball a chance to play before purchasing their own equipment. The number of people served has been approximately 650 people so far this summer. Everyone that has tried the new game has loved it. So many individuals in our area had never played pickleball before so it has been a huge success. They held a class for kids and the kids now love playing. The new courts did make the front page of our local paper and we have definitely had an increase in the number of people visiting our park since the addition of pickleball courts. We would just like to thank you for you support. Adding these courts has been a great community asset."
USA Pickleball Member: Jan White, Carthage, IL
"The PE Department at Forest Hills Jr/Sr High School has incorporated pickleball into their curriculum. Grades 7-12 are now exposed to the game. It is very hard to measure satisfaction but students enjoy the pickleball unit. The local community are now repurposing tennis courts for pickleball without a debate. PE teachers voluntarily participated in an introductory clinic conducted by myself. PE teachers found teaching the pickleball unit easy as the students became quickly engaged. I recommend a large banner be included with all grants and make the hanging of the banner a condition for grant approval."
USA Pickleball Ambassador: David Satka, Duncansville, PA
"Since our initial program kick off we have been able to grow our program where we have the availability to operate 4 courts if needed. We have expanded from 2 community rec sessions a week to 7 and hope to expand to a reservation option for non-community hours in the near future. The program is open to all and no membership is required. We have about 35 regular attendees and have had the occasional out of towner stop in thanks to our listing in Places2Play on the USA Pickleball web site. Many players have commented on the sense of community that has developed as the programs has grown. We also operate a weekly beginner/novice session where the game is introduced to people that have never played and novices practice the drill of the week and then the entire group plays a series of round robin games. Considering that when I first proposed the pickleball concept to our administration and the response was "pickle what?" we have made great strides forward and none of that would have happened if it would not have been for the grant that allowed us to get those first 2 net systems. Because of the grant, generous donations by players and a very modest pay to play drop in fee, the entire program has not cost C3 Sports or the church a single dime. I have to thank my local ambassador, Curtis Knepper, for directing me to the USA Pickleball web page and ultimately the grant program. I most likely would have never had discovered this opportunity without his guidance."
USA Pickleball member: Randy Hoffman, State College, PA
"Approximately 100 plus students at Crescent City High School have been taught to play pickleball. The instructor was also taught to play. She and some of her students, continue to play recreationally. The equipment is rotated to other city schools, within our school district. Together with another grant received, a sizeable donation from Pickleball for All, and equipment purchased through a national 21st CenturyAfterschool Grant, we have introduced over 700 students, 27 teachers and para professionals (through two teacher clinics), and have provided 3 community trainings for adults and students, one condo complex clinic, and three church clinics for students and adults. PE teachers have been trained and can now offer pickleball at 4 high schools, 4 middle schools and 7 elementary schools. Equipment use is scheduled and rotated from school to school for instructional units. The sport continues to grow as we receive community support and students teach their parents, grandparents, other family and friends. This is evidenced by calls for play site locations and check out of equipment. USA Pickleball's Grant Program gave the community of Putnam County a giant jump start in equipment and motivation to bring the sport of pickleball to our students and schools. Thank you so very much for helping us get started!"
USA Pickleball member: Jimmi Symonds, East Palatka, FL
"With the $250.00 in grant money, we applied it towards USAP pickleball nets. The nets are used daily at Ballard Park. We were fortunate the our city parks dept. striped the existing tennis pad so that 4 portable pickleball nets could be used there. This grant has made a difference in that we have a place, for those who live in north Lincoln, to play without having to always travel to the south side of town. Currently there are around 14-20 people (and growing) who play on the Ballard courts each day. Having those courts available also takes pressure off our 6 dedicated courts at Peterson Park where we can have up to 20+ players waiting to play. It is a win/win for everyone. This grant allowed us to make another site available for play. By word of mouth, the site continues to grow in the number of players playing. No problems were encountered. Thank you USA Pickleball for allowing us to apply and receive the grant money."
USA Pickleball Ambassador: Jane Cech, Lincoln, NE
"First of all, community is very engaged in learning the sport. Even my tennis friends! I’d say half of my members are tennis players. Last Tuesday it rained here so I saw more come into the church for some recreational and physical activity. Everyone seems to get along so well. It’s very enjoyable being here. It’s spreading and the amount of Players I have on my list here in Weatherford has reached 34. In nearby cities I have 20-30 more, if they choose to drive the half hour to play with us. Everybody is very appreciative and grateful I am here. They say almost very time they’re glad they do not need to drive over to FT. Worth to play! “Thanks for starting this IS!” Everyone has great ideas how to run it and help with set up and taking nets down. On Wednesday this week I got approached about starting an indoor pool with tennis courts and Pickleball recreational site here in Weatherford!"
USA Pickleball member: Is (Dawn) Kari-Ladd from Weatherford, Texas
"This grant has been a wonderful boost for our facility. Our membership has doubled and more people from our area are able to play. We’ve been able to introduce some youngsters and even some church youth groups to this amazing sport. We now have enough nets on our courts to accommodate all the increase. Thank you so much for helping us to grow this sport in southwest Arkansas."
USA Pickleball member: Sarena Peace, Stephens, Arkansas
"Howard County School System has received 7 nets, 25 paddles and 30 balls that were partially paid for with the grant funds. They plan on teaching students at all age levels how to play pickleball in physical education classes. Getting young people to learn and enjoy pickleball is one of the main goals of our Pickleball Association. Supplying the equipment to the schools was essential because the schools don't have funds for this equipment. Our members contributed money to partner with the grant money to buy enough equipment to supply all the schools interested in pickleball."
USA Pickleball member: Duane St. Clair, Columbia, MD
"We started a pickleball ministry at our church. We used the grant to help purchase 2 nets. The local pickleball community had no place to play inside, so we were able to open our facility. We have room in our gym for three courts. We were able to get more people playing. We went from 6 people to 22 people who can play at a time. We have not encountered any problems. In fact, we were given permission to put permanent lines down for our pickleball courts. It was a big help in getting us started."
USA Pickleball Member: David Redman, Vineland, NJ
"We now have pickleball at a location that had never even played it before! We hope to begin hosting pickleball tournaments for staff and students in the entire Corvallis School District as fundraisers for College Hill. The pickleball tournament this last 2 weeks introduced at least 22 new people that had never played before and made the ones that do play very excited we have the equipment now."
USA Pickleball member: Donna M. Keim from Corvallis, Oregon