Pickleball Defeat Leads to Recording Session with Life-Long Friends

Pickleball Defeat Leads to Recording Session with Life-Long Friends 1

Mike Cooper (left); Larry Meletio (right).

The Sensations recorded a few demos. Larry and Roe Cree from our band went on to play with Rose Colored Glass and had two big hits. “Can’t Find the Time (1971) made the Top Ten on the charts and they played on American Bandstand that same year,” said Cooper.

Having not played his guitar in over 25 years, the ‘ol magic came back to Cooper. “The words and tune just flowed and by the next morning, I had my song,” he explained. With the help of former bandmates, Mike Nelson and Larry Meletio, Pickleball Blues 0-0-2 was recorded at Meletio’s studio. He’s no stranger to top flight recording sessions having worked with such luminary stars as Eric Clapton and Ray Charles. Meletio also handled the electronics set-up for Michael Jackson’s Tour when it made its stop at Texas Stadium.

Like so many other pickleballers, Cooper’s love for the sport was quick. “One of our local recreation centers in the Dallas area offered pickleball so my wife Royce and I after retiring, decided to go see a match. We were hooked instantly.” Now, five years later, Cooper is part of the Lake Forest Pickleball Club which offers “socials” to introduce the sport to newcomers. “My wife and I went on a regent cruise recently and found that they had pickleball courts on Deck 12 on board the SS Explorer,” added Cooper.

Back to Pickleball Blues 002. Once the music and lyrics were penned, Cooper called his buddies whom he had played with over 50 years ago and without hesitation they met one evening and recorded the song. With Mike Cooper as lead vocals and playing rhythm guitar, he was joined by Nelson on lead guitar and bass along with Meletio on drums. Mike Nelson is considered by many one of the best lead guitarists in the country. He continues to play today and can be heard every Friday night at the Balcony club in Dallas.
“Larry spent the next few days mixing the recording and we had the song,” said Cooper. “The Pickleball Blues 0-0-2 recorded by The Dinks. I love sharing the song because of the love of the sport of pickleball. ‘Smash it, dink it, a lob and a spin, you might just win, so no more pickleball blues.”

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Pickleball Defeat Leads to Recording Session with Life-Long Friends 2

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