Adaptive Recreation Gets Everybody Moving

Triumph Foundation’s Adaptive Recreation program gives people with disabilities an opportunity to Adaptive Recreation Gets Everybody Moving 1push the limits of their ability and enhance the quality of their lives. Their mission is to provide adaptive sports, fitness, recreation, and outdoor adventure events to people living in Southern California.

Adaptive Recreation Gets Everybody Moving 2As a recognized Paralympic Sport Club with the United States Olympic Committee, Triumph makes activities like riding bikes, target shooting, and playing sports achievable for people with mobility impairments. Programs include competitive sports, organized events, health and wellness activities, sport instruction, and most of all, FUN.

Triumph Foundation’s annual Wheelchair Sports Festival is a free, three-day adaptive sports clinic that Adaptive Recreation Gets Everybody Moving 3brings everyone together of all abilities – able body and disabled alike – to take part in a weekend of games and activities. Some of the featured adaptive sports include wheelchair hockey, basketball, racquetball, baseball, hand cycling, wheelchair skating, (WCMX), and of course, the great sport of Pickleball. Triumph Foundation hosts this event to introduce wheelchair sports to people that are newly injured, Veterans, children, and others with disabilities; as well as provide learning opportunities to the general public and showcase people living with physical impairment in a way that members of the community do not often see.

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