Green Valley in Arizona Unveils New Outdoor Pickleball Facility

Last June, Green Valley Recreation Inc. (GVR) announced plans to build a 24-court pickleball center in Green Valley, Arizona. Along with the existing 12 courts at GVR’s facilities, the addition of 24 more courts in Green Valley would represent the largest concentration of pickleball courts in southern Arizona.
Groundbreaking ceremonies were held one month later in July and construction began soon thereafter, with a targeted completion date of Phase 1 by January of 2020. They met their goal.
GVR authorized $1.25M for the project and provided a framework to raise additional funds to build and furnish additional courts beyond the initial project scope.
The more than 800 members of the GVR Pickleball Club, in partnership with GVR, the GVR Foundation, and the Greater Green Valley Community Foundation raised $350,000 during this time, or an average of nearly $6,000 a day. There were over 550 contributors and no individual contributions greater than $20,000. Due to the time constraints, corporate contributions and sponsorships were not a significant factor. There was no financing or pledges – all contributions were cash. With the additional $350,000, all planned 24 courts have been built, and a Grand Opening celebration took place on Tuesday, January 28.