Will USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating System produce 4-digit player ratings or 2-digit player ratings?

USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating System will produce both a 4-digit player rating and a 2-digit skill rating for each event category played. The more precise, 4-digit rating, will be used primarily for seeding. The 2-digit skill rating will be a derivation of the 4-digit rating and used primarily for tournament registration and structured club/league play.

The first two digits of the 4-digit rating will dictate the 2-digit skill level rating. The first 2-digits must meet or exceed a standard skill level. Example: A 3.994 4-digit rating has not met the 4.0 standard and will convert to a 3.5 skill level rating.


USA Pickleball Conversion Chart:

1.000 – 1.499 1.0
1.500 – 1.999 1.5
2.000 – 2.499 2.0
2.500 – 2.999 2.5
3.000 – 3.499 3.0
3.500 – 3.999 3.5
4.000 – 4.499 4.0
4.500 – 4.999 4.5
5.000 – 5.499 5.0
5.500 – 5.999 5.5
6.000 –  6.499 6.0
6.500 – 6.999 6.5