UTPR Calculations (13)
The USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings are based on a rating method called the ELO rating system. The ELO rating system was originally created as an improvement to the chess rating system and has since been adapted for many other sports such as football, basketball and basebal

A player’s ELO rating is represented by a number which increases or decreases depending on the outcome of games between rated players. After every game, the winning player takes points from the losing player. The difference between the ratings of the winner and loser determines the total number of points gained or lost after a game. In a series of games between a high-rated player and a low-rated player, the high-rated player is expected to score more wins. If the high-rated player wins, then only a few rating points will be taken from the low-rated player. However, if the lower rated player scores an upset win, many rating points will be transferred (the larger the gap between the player’s ratings, the more the resulting player rating will fluctuate). This means that this rating system is self-correcting. A player whose rating is too low should, in the long run, do better than the rating system predicts, and thus gain rating points until the rating reflects their true playing strength.

The rating is 4 digits in the form of x.xxx. For example, 3.729. Ratings will range from 0.000 to 6.999. Theoretically, a player could go higher than 6.999 if a top player goes on an extended winning streak without any losses. Ratings will be calculated for men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles. All tournament data, processed through PickleballTournaments.com from as far back as 2015 is being used to calculate the player rating. Ratings take into account each partner’s rating, the rating of the opponent (s), and the type of tournament being played. Tournament ratings become more accurate as a player increases the number of tournaments played.


USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating is a 4 digit rating in the form of x.xxx. For example, 3.729. Ratings range from 0.000 to 6.999. Theoretically, a player can go higher than 6.999 if a top player goes on an extended winning streak without any losses. Ratings are calculated for men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles. UTPRs take into account each partner’s rating, the rating of the opponent (s), and the type of tournament being played. Tournament ratings become more accurate as a player increases the number of tournaments played.

Yes, a player can calculate their own new rating after a match if they:

– understand the PWW formula

– know the ratings of the players prior to a match

– know who won the match

– have a scientific calculator

– know the weighting factor of the tournament type they participated in

For details on how a rating is calculated please click here to view Ratings Key and Examples.

All match results during a tournament are weighted the same for that tournament, whether the match was in the winner’s bracket or the consolation bracket.

Yes, tournaments that abide by the USA Pickleball Tournament Rulebook may upload tournament results into the automated system. Tournament directors will be provided instructions to upload the tournament results so that the data can be used in calculating USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings.

Matches will not be counted in withdrawals/forfeits where no points (game score) were earned. Matches will be counted where points have been awarded in a game and a player “withdraws” for any reason. Basically, if they match was started it will count but if it was never started it will not be used in calculating a player’s rating.

The system considers a team rating, which is to add the two ratings then divide by two. Example: Jim’s double’s rating is 3.597; his partner Steve is 3.898. Their team rating for that match would be 3.748 ((3.597+3.898)/2). Both individuals (weaker player and stronger player) are accounted for since the system uses their combined team rating in the rating computation. See question 22 for details on how ratings are calculated.

Yes, click here to follow the UTPR Appeal Guidelines.

The initial USAPA Pickleball Tournament Ratings are calculated based on tournament results data over the past 36 months. It is possible that a player has seen a dramatic improvement in their tournament play over the last few months. Their tournament rating may have a time lag to incorporate the immediate improvement into the results. The system is designed to self-correct over time.

Remember that the ratings are impacted by many variables:

  • Rating of your opponent
  • Rating of your partner
  • Sanctioned or unsanctioned tournament participation

Yes, and no. Your rating always changes, however, since we only publish a 4 digit rating (out to the third decimal) you may not see the change. Behind the scenes, we do carry the actual rating out to 10+ digits so the the tiny changes to your rating are indeed being tracked and used to calculate your rating. 

Winning a medal match gives you no additional ratings boost.  You do get the normal adjustment to your rating from simply winning the match.

The calculation looks at your ratings coming into the match versus your opponent’s ratings.  If you are expected to lose a match but you do win, your ratings can go up anywhere from .050 to .100.  Likewise, if you lose a match that you are expected to win, your ratings will go down. The amount of increase or decrease is calculated by the size of the difference between the two scores.  Click here to see a PDF document showing a detailed example of match by match results.

UTPR General (15)

A rating provides a means to compare skill levels of two or more competitors. Ratings have been used in pickleball and other sports for years, primarily for placement in league, club, and tournament play.

USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating (UTPR) has been the official tournament player rating of USA Pickleball since January 1, 2019

The new USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating System is being implemented as a major improvement to the previous USA Pickleball legacy rating system. USA Pickleball is continuing its efforts to provide the finest in competitive pickleball play by working with PickleballTournaments.com to create a rating system that will greatly enhance the structure of tournaments, enabling tournament directors and organizers to create fair and balanced player brackets, while players know their precise standings.

Yes, all USA Pickleball member players that have participated in either a sanctioned or non-sanctioned tournament using PickleballTournaments.com will automatically get an initial USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating in each of the event categories played. If a player would like to preset their tournament rating prior to their first tournament they can do so by contacting ratingsadmin@usapickleball.org.

As of April 1, 2021, UTPR ratings will only be available for sanctioned tournaments.

The USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings will be a calculated using strategically created algorithms based on a player’s match results since June 2015. The algorithms will weigh factors including strength of opponent, strength of partner and sanctioning type.

The USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating System will offer many advantages and will:

  • Be responsive and transparent
  • Be objective, equitable, and accurate
  • Be self-correcting
  • Be updated frequently
  • Provide accurate seeding at tournaments
  • Allow various bracketing options
  • Allow for player rankings, comparable to ATP rankings used in tennis

Yes, players will have separate USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings for each event category played since June 2015 where PickleballTournaments.com was the event software. USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings will be calculated for 5 competitive divisions- men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles.

USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating System will produce both a 4-digit player rating and a 2-digit skill rating for each event category played. The more precise, 4-digit rating, will be used primarily for seeding. The 2-digit skill rating will be a derivation of the 4-digit rating and used primarily for tournament registration and structured club/league play.

The first two digits of the 4-digit rating will dictate the 2-digit skill level rating. The first 2-digits must meet or exceed a standard skill level. Example: A 3.994 4-digit rating has not met the 4.0 standard and will convert to a 3.5 skill level rating.


USA Pickleball Conversion Chart:

1.000 – 1.499 1.0
1.500 – 1.999 1.5
2.000 – 2.499 2.0
2.500 – 2.999 2.5
3.000 – 3.499 3.0
3.500 – 3.999 3.5
4.000 – 4.499 4.0
4.500 – 4.999 4.5
5.000 – 5.499 5.0
5.500 – 5.999 5.5
6.000 –  6.499 6.0
6.500 – 6.999 6.5

A player’s 4-digit rating will be updated weekly, as it is the dynamic rating. A player’s two-digit skill level rating will be updated quarterly for registration and tournament planning purposes.

Quarterly updates will occur on:

  • March 31
  • June 30
  • September 30
  • December 31

Several factors played a part in the decision to primarily use the dynamic 4- digit rating for seeding vs event categorization:

  • Tournament Directors and players are familiar and comfortable with the 2-digit skill levels that have been offered over the years.
  • Players that were “on the bubble” would be challenged with knowing which event they would fall in once the tournament started, making it difficult to find partners and solidify travel plans around a tournament.
  • Using a phased implementation method will allow us to see the future path that will work best for pickleball.

Yes, USA Pickleball has established an advisory group to oversee the rating system improvements. The advisory board includes representatives from PickleballTournaments.com, major event tournament directors, 5.0+ tournament players, statisticians and computer programmers.

USA Pickleball member players may access their 2-digit and 4-digit USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings in their USA Pickleball member profile. Click here to login. Your rating will be listed in your Member Profile page. You can also view your rating using the USA Pickleball mobile app on your mobile device.

USA Pickleball Members may also view a list of 2-digit player ratings on the USA Pickleball website under Tournaments & Ratings – USA Pickleball Player Ratings – USA Pickleball Player Ratings. Click here. Later this year USA Pickleball member players will be able to view their ratings on their PickleballTournaments.com member profile.

No, non-members will not be able to view their USA Pickleball Tournament Rating.

A USA Pickleball member player can get a USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating after participating in one tournament that uses PickleballTournaments.com software. PickleballTournaments.com is the exclusive official provider of USA Pickleball Tournament Ratings. For clubs that utilize USA Pickleball ratings for organized play, we recommend in-house tournaments or round robins that are run using pickleballtournaments.com or that can be uploaded to aid in player ratings and updates.

Perfection may be difficult to accomplish but certainly worth striving towards. As with all new systems, new opportunities for improvements will arise. USA Pickleball thanks all it members for their continued support, understanding and contributions while taking the challenge to advance the sport we all know and love.

UTPR Registration and Operation Impact (8)

Tournament directors will have the ability to make use of the 4-digit rating to better bracket and seed players in each bracket. More accurate bracketing and seeding makes for a more competitive and fun tournament for all participants.

Seeding capabilities will be provided free of charge to all USA Pickleball sanctioned tournaments.

The tournament registration software will use the 2-digit rating that was in place at the time the player registered. If a tournament director wants to accommodate player requests to use the rating on the days leading to the event, they are empowered to do so but are not required to adjust last minute as that can have a tremendous impact on draw sizes and partners.

USA Pickleball is suggesting that tournament directors open event registration 90-days prior to the event.

The 90-day registration window is a function of a dynamic rating system and allows tournament directors to use the most accurate and current 2-digit player rating available.

Tournament registrations will work the same as in the past. The tournament registration system is designed to know a player’s rating at the time of registration and will automatically place the player at the appropriate skill level.

USA Pickleball recommends that players play at the rating he/she had at registration. However, bracketing adjustments can be made at the tournament director’s discretion.

Yes, players may continue to elect to “play-up” in events a higher skill level.

Yes, tournament directors can organize and run age-based, skill-based or age-within-skill events. For age-based events, the new ratings will be used by the tournament directors to more accurately seed and bracket players in specific age groupings. Regardless of the event format of a tournament, all match results will be entered into the new USA Pickleball Tournament Player Rating System to determine any change in the player’s USAPA Tournament Player Rating.

NOTE: Using the new USA Pickleball Tournament Player Ratings, there is very little expected advantage or reason to use the age-within-skill format. The ratings will be based on actual match results, creating fairer and more even brackets. Yes, a 55-year-old could play a 30-year-old with the same rating due to the fact that ratings are based on actual match results.