2023 Rulebook Revision Cycle Starts
USA Pickleball is excited to announce that the revision process for the 2023 pickleball rulebook has begun. While the sport continues to evolve and grow, USA Pickleball remains committed to reviewing all rules with transparency and the goal to maintain the integrity of the sport. As a reminder, USA Pickleball Members are encouraged to submit any input and/or comments they may have in regards to the 2023 pickleball rulebook in an effort to make the sport more accessible and inclusive for all players involved. Only USA Pickleball members can submit a rule proposal, but anyone may comment on rules that are proposed.
“We have made some minor changes to the process, but USA Pickleball members should still see the emphasis on inclusion and transparency we implemented last year,” said Rules Committee Chairman, Mark Peifer. “In addition to member comment and input taken into consideration throughout the revision process, USA Pickleball also ensures that the action of changing any rules, rule writing, and results are provided to the pickleball community with clarity through the overall intention of bettering the sport.”
The window to propose rule changes and comment on those submitted is now open and will end on June 30. The 2023 Rulebook is expected to be available for review on or before December 1, 2022 and effective on or before January 1, 2023, with hard copies available approximately 3 weeks later.
If you or a player you know is interested in a proposed rule change, providing input on existing rule-changes, or has a comment or concern, visit https://rules.usapickleball.org/.
To learn more about the complete revision cycle description, with expected delivery dates, head to https://usapickleball.org/what-is-pickleball/official-rules/rulebook-revision-process/