Pennbrooke Pickleball Club Sets New Record!

A note from Teddy Fuller, a member of the Pennbrooke Pickleball Club
This is the 4th year the Pickleball Club has participated in the Salvation Army Food Bank food drive with their own twist of collecting boxes of cereal. The first year the pickleball players donated 76 boxes of cereal; the following year 92 boxes were donated. Last year 114 boxes were donated. The Club was put to the challenge of beating last year’s cereal drive collection of 114. They did it!!
159 boxes of cereal (yes that’s correct, 159 boxes) were collected and turned over to the Salvation Army on Tuesday, December 9th. Some days players dropped off a box or two or three on my front porch. Other days I would discover 6 or 8 boxes. Then 10 boxes appeared; one afternoon I5 boxes awaited me. It was such fun opening our door to see who left what and how many!
We just kept stacking and rearranging all those boxes of cereal to make room for more. Snow birds also participated by sending checks so we could do their shopping as they too wanted to participate. To make things more interesting and challenging, pickleball player Maureen Dufford offered to bake something delicious for the player who turned in the most boxes. Our winner for a delicious baked treat from Maureen is Morris Reynolds who donated 20 boxes! (Do you think we should make him share it!)
Congratulations to all the pickleball players who so generously gave cereal to help those who are less fortunate. All the boxes cereal will be greatly appreciated!